Cline Herefords
Stan & Lora Cline
33111 County Highway 196
Wiley, Colorado 81092
Home: (719) 829-4425
Stan’s cell: (719) 688-5410
From Lamar, Colorado
Drive west on Hwy 50 to road 33, drive two miles north to our home.
From Limon, Colorado
Drive south on Hwy 287 to the Wiley Junction-Hwy 196 turn right on Hwy 196 and drive west four miles.
From Pueblo, Colorado
Drive east on Hwy 50 on past Hasty, Colorado then turn North on Hwy 196, (go 4 miles total) drive through
McClave and we are the white barn on the North side of the road at
intersection of road 33 and Hwy 196. |